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Upgrade Fedora 12 to Fedora 13


fedoraLogo_smallQ. I'm trying to upgrade Fedora 12 to Fedora 13. I've ran into some issues, while upgrading using the traditional methods (Running yum install preupgrade and then running preupgrade-cli). The error that I get is that there's not enough space to save install.img on my boot partition. (The size of the file is 140mb and the partition is 100mb).

A. One way to fix this, is to delete your old kernel images. But this would not solve your problems if your /boot partition is 100 meg, additionally, during the upgrade, the system deletes all obsolete kernels. The solution to this problem is to do a different kind of yum upgrade. (Thank god the days of only upgrading Fedora with a DVD are over!)

Do all the updates first:

su -c "yum update && yum upgrade"

Change to root and run the upgrade:

su - root
yum --releasever=13 upgrade --nogpg

When it prompts for the upgrade, press "Y". The good thing about this upgrade, as opposed to the preupgrade-cli, is that you are doing the upgrade while you are online. (So no need to reboot and then do the upgrade and then reboot again and hope things work).

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