Exchange 2010 Error: Unable to mount database
Q. My Exchange server crashed and I'm trying to mount the database, with no luck.
This is the error that I get:
Microsoft Exchange Error
Failed to mount database 'Mailbox Database'.
Mailbox Database 0610509261
Couldn't mount the database that you specified. Specified database: Mailbox Database; Error code: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-515)
. [Database: Mailbox Database, Server: server.domain.local].
An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-515)
. [Database: Mailbox Database, Server: server.domain.local]
An Active Manager operation failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionCallFailed:
. [Server: server.domain.local]
MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-515)
A. You have a corrupted database or corrupted logs. Several tests need to be performed, to see what the issue is (this is an example for Exchange 2010, but it works for previous versions as well):
Check and Repair the database
1. Check the database:
eseutil /mh "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\Mailbox Database\Mailbox Database.edb"
Look for the following in the output: State: Dirty Shutdown
1.a Since the database has not been properly shut down, it needs to be repaired.
Make sure you make a backup of the database before attemting any kind of repairs
To repair, run the following:
eseutil /p "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\Mailbox Database\Mailbox Database.edb"
1.b Re-run the database check from 1.a and if all goes well, you should see this somewhere in the output: State: Clean Shutdown
You can try mounting the database. If it mounts, you are good to go, if it doesn't you have to check the logs:
Check and Repair the database logs
2. Check the exchange logs (don't forget to specify E00 - the starting sequence for the logs)
eseutil /ml "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\Mailbox Database\E00"
2.a There will be a list of logs and depending on their state, you may get an error. (They should all say OK, if the logs are clean) Errors vary, but most likely it is a file corruption and needs a chkdsk to run.
As a sidenote, if the database state is Clean Shutdown you can safely remove the logs.
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On the General tab of the Microsoft Exchange Information Store property page, make sure that the Start-up type is set to Automatic. If it is not, set it to Automatic, click Apply, and then click OK.
Right-click Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, and then click Start.
peration failed. Error The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unabl
e to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-550)
. [Database: EPCC-Standard-DB04, Server:].
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (EPCC-Standard-DB04:ADObjectId) [Mount-Database], InvalidOperationExce
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 8C91930,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.MountDatabase
I was surprised to see the output of this third party application as after few minutes, it displayed all data in their original format. And we successfully repaired and mounted all data with the help of this tool without any data loss.
Read More:-
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I have the problem that the public folder database could not be mounted.
Public Folder Database
An Active Manager operation failed.
Message: ... MapiExceptionJetErrorTableDuplicate: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-1303)
.. [Database: Public Folder Database, Server:].
I did:
eseutil /P
eseutil /d
eseutil /g
eseutil /mh (clean shutdown displayed)
But no success.
Could anybody help or has anybody a hint?
Kai from germany
I was doing a vmdk shrinking in vmware datastore as my previouse colleagues used C: drive as a thick provisioned.
I moved mailboxes DB,PF DB to another drive and and separated transaction logs too . taken a full backup but I forgot to add the newely created PF_DB drive to it.
after full backup I shrinked the vmdk file and it worked fine when i used the third party tool to shrink the C: drive it screwed the OS :P hahahaha.
so restored bakup within night it came back online mailboxes didnt had issue. PF was down
I restored the PF database from day before backup and ran this glorious command it fixed :) :)
but after I received a clean shutdown also it was saying =-1209 error which means traansactions logs was not found. but waited 15 minuets. test again mounting it worked :)
thank you so much , I know this pain working as a senior network engineer for consultancy and my client was financial MGMT company.
thank you again have a nice day
i did What justin wrote...
move-DatabasePath -Identity 'database name' -LogFolderPath 'new log path' -ConfigurationOnly
it will move log configuration ,then run ESEUTIL /p to recover the database
Worked Perfectly!!!
Thank you Justin
thank u
You got an error when you were trying to mount your exchange database using above methods. I would suggest you to try another automatic method which has simple steps to repair your mailbox and recover email information from Exchange server i.e. Stellar Phoenix Exchange Sever Recovery. The software helps you to repair your corresponding EDB file mailbox and recover all lost email from exchange server.
After move path log for Mailbox database and Public Folder Database --> success.
And then, I try to mount database for them by EMC, but I show errors as this entry above. I also follow as the instruction, but I cannot mount database.
So, what would I need to do for solving this issue ?
mail me at :
move-DatabasePath -Identity 'database name' -LogFolderPath 'new log path' -ConfigurationOnly
it will move log configuration ,then run ESEUTIL /p to recover the database
after finish i tried to mount the database and its working
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