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Send through external smtp server

This issue comes up occasionally for users of Small Business Servers who don't want to bother with configuration of SPF records, antispam bots, reverse host lookups, etc. for their outgoing emails, but rather send it through the SMTP server provided by their ISP.

The advantage of it is simple - chances that some organization is going to block SMTP server of your provider are smaller than if they block your own IP address.

The disadvantage - you are adding another bottleneck with outgoing emails. This may become a big issue if your organization sends out regular newsletters or bulletins.

In 2003:

1. Open Exchange System Manager

2. Under Servers  go to "Administrative Groups" -> "first administrative group" -> "Servers" -> <Your Server Name> -> "Protocols" -> "SMTP"

3. Right click "Default SMTP Virtual Server" and choose "Properties".

4. On the "Delivery" tab, choose "Advanced" and in the "Smart Host" box specify the IP address or hostname of your external SMTP server. Note that if you are specifying an IP address it must be surrounded by square brackets (eg. []).

5. If you are requiring SMTP authentication with your ISP, on the "Delivery" tab, now select "Outbound Security" and change the Radio Button to "Basic Authentication" and specify the username and password. Click OK to save the changes.

Exchange 2007:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console and choose -> Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport.
2. Under "Actions" select "New Send Connector".
3. In the "New SMTP connector" wizard enter "ISP SMTP Server Connector" for the connector name in the "Introduction" screen.
4. From the "Select the intended use for this Send Connector" drop down list box select "Internet".
5. In the "Address space" screen click on "Add" and enter *.
6. Click "Ok" and click "Next".
7. In the "Network Settings" screen choose "Route mail through the following smart host".
8. Click on "Add" and insert the IP address of the ISP SMTP Server, then click 'Next'.
9. In the "Configure smart host authentication settings" screen if you are requiring SMTP authentication with your ISP SMTP Server specify the username and password and click "Next".
10. In the "Source Server" screen select the Hub Transport server with which the connector will be associated.
11. In the "New SMTP Send Connector" screen verify the configuration summary contains the required details.
12. Complete the wizard in order to create the New Send Connector.

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